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Call for tender to regenerate businesses in the tourist accommodation sector

Call to regenerate businesses in the hospitality sector by supporting greater accessibility, technological development, digital and ecological transition. The call is aimed at promoting and supporting investments in the tourist accommodation system that favor the regeneration and innovation of companies and consequently the tourist enhancement of the area in which the same company operates. In particular, the interventions are aimed at innovating companies in the hospitality sector by supporting greater accessibility, technological development, digital and ecological transition, innovating services and products.

For all the documents and the announcement, go to the dedicated page of the Veneto Region:


Contact us for more information:

SEDE DI THIENE (VI) | Via Foscari 4E | Tel. 0445 380433 | info@generoanna.it
SEDE DI CITTADELLA (PD) | Via Borgo Vicenza 19 | Tel. 049 5207688 | cittadella@generoanna.it
SEDE DI SAN MARTINO B.A. (VR) | Viale del Lavoro 15G | Tel. 045 4770854 | verona@generoanna.it