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The RT unit for fixed station transversal to every need: the large bright display and the ease of paper loading are some of the specifications that characterize Dcash.
The fast and fully programmable keyboard, together with the use of an optical reader, ensures performance and versatility of functions.
A clear and fast printing, together with the possibility of scrolling the receipt in progress thanks to the 4 display lines, make Dcash the easiest to use telematic recorder. The DHCP function ensures reliability and drastically reduces installation time. Easy and immediate census procedure, already resident "on board".

Using it, you will also discover the fast printer, the easy replacement of the paper roll and all the functions required today by modern distribution and by current regulations.

DCash RT is an electronic cash register that allows you to register, store, process and transmit tax data electronically.

Captivating and exclusive design, elegant and attention to detail, small size, a large multi-line luminous display that allows scrolling of the receipt. Features that make the DCash RT a latest generation cash register.

