Simple and complete telematic recorder
Small but extremely performing telematic cash register. BIG 3 is revolutionary in aesthetics, performance and is functional to the needs of the store. It offers Ethernet connectivity and automatic sending of e-mails to transmit fiscal data reports on
sales and statistics, or for online technical assistance. As a new technological performance, BIG 3 integrates an external device for electronic payment (debit card, credit card) with receipt printing directly together with the payment receipt.
• Online cash register (Ethernet)
• Built-in 42-key alphanumeric keyboard
• Built-in customer and operator LCD displays
• 58mm printer with built-in easy paper loading
• Fidelity online service
• Reporting and sending of data by e-mail
• Approved for printing the invoice on the receipt
• Approved for negative receipt (exchange practice)
• Connectable to pc
• Internal SQL database
• Electronic journal on SD
• Customizable receipt graphics
• New 400MHz ARM FAMILY processor
• Prepared for connection to an EFT / POS terminal for electronic payments (ATMs, credit cards)
• Windows, OPOS, JavaPOS and drivers
• A door dedicated to the drawer (6 Volts)