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Zkiosk is the queue-eliminating interactive multimedia totem that simplifies restaurant management thanks to the touchscreen.
The self-order and self-payment system natively developed to be integrated with Zmenu, aimed at anyone who already has a Zmenu solution active, or who wants to manage a point of sale without a cash register.

The multimedia kiosk eliminates the costs of taking orders, leaving the interaction with the assortment within the shop to the customer, increasing the average receipt through correlated sales, up selling and cross selling.

With an attractive interface in line with the brand guidelines of the venue, Zkiosk is the ideal interactive kiosk to eliminate queues and increase turnover.
This solution is available in two ways:
• Stand-alone, for the installation of one or more completely autonomous multimedia kiosks.
• To complete Zmenu, Zucchetti's catering solution, in order to integrate the kiosk into a more complete management system.
A simple and intuitive interface, the ability to accept all the most common payment methods and multilingual support will allow you to increase customer satisfaction and the profitability of your business.

